Links to traditional music resources online
Fowlers Troop & The Deptford Jack - GreenTrad's very own Sarah Crofts curates this site. Check it out for Deptford Jack history and news on forthcoming May Day plans.
John Of The Green - GreenTrad's own John Offord has a website offering his latest fiddle tune book.
EFDSS - English Folk Dance and Song Society - based in Cecil Sharp House, Camden.
Home of the Vaughan Williams Memorial Library, which has many fascinating resources from early music collectors as well as regular music and dance teaching. It is a venue for lively dances in the evenings. Real ale bar.
SkinnyLister - Some of the members of cheeky folksters Skinny Lister started their folk careers at GreenTrad. We wish them the very best on their workdwide adventures and hope they come back to visit us soon.
HobGoblin - Get your intruments from HobGoblin!
Melodeon.net - Community for all things Melodeon
Concertina.net - Community for all things Concertina
Islington Folk Club - Probably the biggest listing of folk resources in and around London.
FolkRadio.co.uk - A lively forum and constantly streaming folk music jukebox, and regular updates on folk festivals and suchlike. Highly recommended.
www.folkandroots.co.uk - They maintain an up-to-date and fairly comprehensive events listing.
Folk Roots Magazine - For all your folk needs.
Trevor Gilson's site for the Focsle Folk Club in Southampton. SCoFF connections, many useful sites + listings for folk music in southern England.
Local Life - Listing of local events nationwide.
British Arts - Directory of the Arts in the UKTRADITION magazine. We've not seen the magazine itself, but their site has some interesting links and you can buy copies online. They do have some dates of events listed in their diary.