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Hall of GreenTrad Fame

This is a collection of ancient pics from the old website and more recent photos from the Lord Hood.

Greg (our Secretary for many years)
hauling 04
John Offord
hauling 07
Alec Gorham
hauling 03
hauling 05
hauling 06
hauling 12
hauling 11
hauling 09
hauling 08
hauling 01
hauling 02
Pete Gibson
Chris, Bill and Jane
The GreenTrad gang
Doug Hastings 2012
Alec. Still missed.
John and his fiddle orchestra
Jane, Sarah, Paul, Derek and Chris
Greg with Pete's Song Book
Aidan, Geva, Seb and John
Starring John Offord on fiddle
All the Bills and Lisa
Aidan and Seb
Paul, Sarah and Jane
Aidan, Seb, Geva and co
Dougie Adams
GreenTrad orchestra!
Pete Gibson and co
Mad Mick
The session in full swing
Dangerous Dave
Chris Walshaw with his cornemuse
Phil and John
The bar
Mick the Pole
Dangerous Dave again
More session
Vince the Landlord of the Cricketers
The Cricketers back in the day
Dave's accordion
Let's boogie!

Illustration by Jonathan (age7)

Old GreenTrad logo
Greenwich map
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