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Dates for end of 2018 and early 2019

Greg has sent an email! And within that email he says please take note of these notable dates for forthcoming sessions:

18/12/18 - Session with carols. We'll have tunes, but we'll sing a few carols too. Maybe some mince pies.

25/12/18 - We'll all be busy elsewhere.

1/1/19 - Most of use will be recovering. VERY unlikely to be a session.

8/1/19 - First session of the new year

12/1/19 - WASSAIL EVENT at the Brunel Museum Keep an eye on the Facebook group, but starting at 6:30pm probably.

15&22/1/19 - normal session

19/1/19 - Jem's birthday do - bring instruments. At the Star and Garter.

29/1/19 - Burns Night Do - Haggis, bagpipes and a tot of whiskey

23/4/18 - St George's Day is on a Tuesday this year - put it on your calendar. We'll definitely do something!

Merry Christmas Everyone!

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